A Peacemaking Curriculum
John Muhanji is Africa Ministries Director for Friends United Meeting. John had the original vision for the curriculum project and shared that vision with others. He served on the Friends Peacemaking teams which helped reconcile those in the Displaced Persons Camps with their communities. He oversees the missions work in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
Jack Alwena is the Kenya Coordinator for Peace in a Community. He is head teacher at one of the Friends Primary Schools and is from Vokoli Yearly Meeting.
Charlotte Stangeland is Assistant Professor in the Education Division at William Penn University. Before coming to Penn, she taught elementary school for sixteen years, Her role was special education teacher and school counselor. As a school counselor she taught peacemaking skills and character education to kindergarten through 5th grade.
Mary Glenn Hadley is a graduate of Iowa Methodist School of Nursing and received her BSN degree from the University of Iowa. She served many years as a missionary in Kenya working in Friends Hospital at Kaimosi. She also developed the Theological Education by Extension (TEE) program which was incorporated into the Friends Bible Institute for pastoral training. In 1985, she went to Ethiopia as a member of a medical team to work with victims of famine and hunger. She resides in Indianola, Iowa.
Marlene Pedigo is Co-superintendent of Western Yearly Meeting in Indiana. She and her husband, Steve, were founders and pastors of Fellowship of Friends in Chicago's Cabrini-Green Public Housing Development for thirty years. They learned firsthand about peace making in a community where violence was all too common. Marlene taught peace-making skills to children in an after school program in the community. She has an M.Div.and D.Min.from McCormick Theological Seminary.
In Kenya there is not access to the Internet in many locations so the curriculum must be print-based rather than web-based. $100,000 or more is needed to print this curriculum for all the Friends Primary Schools in Kenya and to train teachers to use it.
Funding for this curriculum is handled through Friends United Meeting, Richmond, Indiana.
Click Here to contribute to the printing of this curriculum for Kenya Schools.
Peace is harmonious living and respect for life through God's guidance and prayer.
Kenyan Educators, 2009